Schooner Shanty: 52' LOA, 66,000 lbs.
First Sea trial w/Beta 3800 w/ 22x18 RH propeller and PRM 260 Transmission
800 RPM - 2.9n kts
1000 RPM - 3.4 kts
1500 RPM - 6.7 kts
1800 RPM - 7.2 kts
2000 RPM - 7.9 knots and beginning to squat
2600 RPM (full throttle)- Awesome(warp speed) (did you say Water skying ?)

A Perkins 4-108 (maybe 40 HP) was replaced w/ Beta 3800 (90 HP). The
Perkins was anemic, to be kind. The boat was designed for a minimum of about
75 HP. When she goes in gear the boat literally leaps forward and quickly
goes to about 3+ knots at idle. Maneuvering is postive and forceful with
surprising control even to stbd and there is no doubt when she goes in
gear....hang on to your beer! Except when pushing against a serious current
or pressing on regardless in a whole gale, I doubt the engine will ever see
much more than 2000 PRM of its 2600 max since she's at hull speed around

1800. The rest is pure reserve. Installer note: We pulled a honkin' cleat
right out of the dock when we first put it in gear expecting it to ease
forward gently.....year right. This engine is a brute.
Look out ORZA! Look out Talisman! Look out Cap Nap! Look Out Tardis! Look
Out All! We can keep up with you (well maybe not ORZA) and if you ever need
a tow home you can count on Shanty now!
Scott, sorry about all the stuff we cut out to get this big engine in the
little biddy hole... you probably need all those "interferences" anyway.
Country Boy