One if by land, two if by . . . . oh that’s a different story. This adventure of the Chesapeake Bay Table / Norfolk involves a rally to boucan with the passenjeros of the soon to be Chesapeake Bay Table / Solomons. Fiv

e Brothers and Sooks and one Engage and partner arrived by land and three Brothers and Sooks arrived by sea at the summer home of Snapper King of the Keys Table IN MASS on Saturday, August 4, 2007. As could be expected of this group, a gathering at the infamous Tiki Bar on the Solomons waterfront includ

ing two by sea – ORZA & Upwind by jet ski for some liquid libation and discussion prior to the invasion. We were missing two couples that were already assisting Bernie & Margie at the homestead.
The Doves were exemplary in their Southern Maryland hospitality – providing lodging for those not on ORZA, Talisman and Hampshire Rose (10 folks), pool, libations, etc. We are honored to share in this great company. The Sooks and passenjero partners soon had the appetizers flowing, the pool filled up, and the passenjeros began to arrive.
This ‘road trip’ was a first for the National Brotherhood to provide a meeting of the identified passenjeros of a potential new US Table. Questions were asked and discussed one-

on-one and in mass. The eight passenjeros in attendance were formally in

troduced to our Brothers and Sooks by Snapper King, Margie Dove the introduced the passenjero partners and the first meeting of the group was conducted by Pete Chabot – identified as the Captain for this new Table. The Chesapeake Bay Table / Norfolk is glad to have been able to implement this important process. We’re sure there will be more on the future of Solomons distributed soon.
Amid several Broadsides with appropriate Orza’s, the superb dinner was unfolding with more side dishes than can be remembered and featuring freshly caught Rockfish provided by several of the passenjeros along with grilled chicken.
The foodfest resumed early on Sunday morning with a great continental spread with most folks being on the road or waterways by 10:30. Another great event – what can only be termed as a resoundingly Great Time!!
And as always, more pictures on
the table photo album.