Saturday turned out to be as good as the weathermen had said it would: deep blue skies, some high clouds with lower clouds appearing over land. The wind swung from the SW to the SE in the early afternoon and filled in nicely, propelling the sailboats to their northern destination. Cat Nap had left the day before and called down the Bay when the rest of the Brotherhood fleet got within radio range. He was in Mobjack's East River and requested our company in his own unique way. Word was passed down the line so everyone knew of the new location.

We stayed rafted all day on Sunday with many dinghy trips to various parts of the river. The ladies kept everyone fed and the second day of the holiday weekend was declared a success. The exuberance of the previous evening couldn't be matched as everyone retired early. On Monday, the raft disbanded just before noon. With no appreciable wind, the sailboats motored south across Mobjack Bay. Later in the day, a breeze established itself from the southeast. The motors were turned off and the sailboats made their way home via wind power.