Ventre Jaune (Yellow Belly), captain of the Normandy table in France, was visiting brother Goofy and Marge in Sarasota and they went to the Keys Zaf aboard Charrette with brother Gimbal and Bonnie. Since Charrette was staying in Marathon after the Zaf, I drove them back to Sarasota on Monday. I stayed on so that I could attend the Happy Hour of the Sun Coast table on Tuesday night at the Sar
During that night, Ventre Jaune was presented with a Florida Brotherhood flag.
Being there gave me the opportunity to meet with brothers I had not seen for a long time and I always cherish those occasions. This is exactly like meeting members of your family that you have missed for so long . . . .
My return journey to Norfolk was as eventful as was the way down to Florida, but that's another story.
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