
Pilot- Table Captain

Monday, October 29, 2007

October-ween / Hallo-fest Tip-A-Few. . . .

The Chesapeake Bay Table wrapped up a very busy month of October with their traditional monthly Tip-A-Few gathering - this time hosted by Brother Blue Stache and Sook Diana on the deck of Ocean Marine Yacht Center in Portsmouth. With a perfectly timed break in the rainy weather of the past 4 days, Brothers came by sea, land vehicle and foot to share in the festivities featuring grilled bratwurst, beans, potato salad, super dessert cakes and, of course, that demon RUM!!!

After a month of the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, the Virginia Wine Festival, and more, the Table took this time to just catch up with each other and enjoy a level of comraderie – celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, pretty new vehicles, etc. Unfortunately, Brother Limey and Sook Holly and Brother Piper were not able to join us since Limey was anchored off the Wacamaw River in South Carolina on their way south for the winter and Piper was participating in his annual re-enactment camping trip.

The Table was very fortunate to have Brother Felix (Paul Anderson) and Captive Erika from the Gold Coast Table join in the event as they were passing through Norfolk on the motor vessel Magic – heading south from the far reaches of the Canadian provinces. They have visited this fair Table many times in the past and it is always a pleasure to have them here on the Chesapeake.

Another great event shared in the great traditions of the Brotherhood of the Coast.

PS : As always, more pictures on the photo album of the Chesapeake Bay table

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