
Pilot- Table Captain

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Induction of the Solomons table

Last Week-End, Saturday December 8th, was the birthday of the Solomons table, with a starting crew of 8 brothers. Seven established tables (eight with the new Solomons table) attended the event. There were brothers and captives from San Antonio (TX), Houston (TX), Chesapeake Bay (Hampton Roads, VA), New York (NY), Savannah (GA), our neighbour to the north - the Potomac table (MD), and the table of the Keys in Florida which was represented by the new table's sponsor, Snapper King.
One might dare say that the event was organized so well that even the military could not have done a better job. The visiting brothers tried their best to introduce a little disorganization, but were not very successful!
In any event, not only was the week-end very successful, but the quality of this new group of brothers is very impressive and there is no doubt that this table will soon be another jewel in our brotherhood.

>> Happy birthday, Solomons! <<
PS : You can see a lot more photos in the photo album of the Solomons table

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