Then there was John (“Jongagé) & Susan Williams. John is the engagé for the Chesapeake Table and we were anxious to have him experience the Brotherhood outside the sphere of our local table. But Susan is in Real Estate and business has been bad. That is to say, their cash reserves were also running low.
June, determined to make this happen, started considering all the possibilities. Bernie & Margie had held one of their rooms for us but had given it up afer we had initially determined that we couldn’t make the trip this year. We called down to the Marathon brothers and found that El Chino still had no one staying in their guest apartment below their house. June booked the room and we formulated a plan for a kamikaze “land cruise” to the keys.
The week of the Zaf rolled around. John & Susan picked us up at our house and we left for lower Florida at 8:30 PM on Wednesday evening. We ran driving shifts through the night and into the next day while those off-shift got a limited amount of shut-eye in the back of the car. With about two hours of collective breaks, we made it to Marathon by 2:30 PM on Thursday. During the last part of our drive, we contacted the Cruz and Ann who were in Key West on Orza. (Capt.) Rocket Boy and Sherry were there with them. Excited to see them, we quickly showered and, refreshed, got back into the car for the hour ride south to Key West. It was still light when we got there but Sheila (Jongagé’s Australian speaking GPS) sent us to the wrong end of Front Street and we were having trouble navigating to the correct marina. With a number of calls, we found our way and reconnected with our other brothers.
Everyone was hungry so we quickly left for Pepe’s Restaurant, the oldest bar and restaurant in
Stay tuned for Part 2...
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