Limey & Holly were still out putting miles under their keel, Boats & Tricia were ‘toasting' us from St. Martin, Piper was serving the public at the fire station, and Pilot & Francine were most likely suffering jet-lag from their recent travels – they were missed but not forgotten.
With many pitchers of the golden nectar, glasses of wine, trays of nachos, Chesapeake Bay wings, oysters Rockefeller, and warm hushpuppies, it was a great time to ‘catch-up’ with each other – and swap boat plans for the season which appears to be fast approaching. It seems that all of our vessels will be back on the Bay by early summer. When the check came, even that was a pleasant surprise – it was nice to revisit the home of some of this Table’s first Tip-A-Few gatherings. And best yet, it was just good to spend some time with our Brothers.
Our March Tip-A-Few is already scheduled and highly anticipated!!
A meeting place for the brothers of the Chesapeake Bay Table.
Others can peek in . . .

Pilot- Table Captain
Thursday, March 06, 2008
The Gathering After the Keys
[nota bene: this entry was written by Blue Stache and posted by Upwind]
The Chesapeake Brothers would not be denied!!!! On February 28th, the monthly Tip-A-Few took place back in old haunts – O’Sullivan’s Wharf. There were 14 Brothers, Sooks, Engage & partners in attendance – 9 of whom had just returned from another fabulous President’s Day Zaf in the Keys – well done down there folks!!!
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