The guidelines of the Table are such that inductions are now only done at sea. Despite howling winds (20 - 25 knts) and imminent thunderstorms, the fleet assembled as commanded by our Captain. Effects of the wind were lessened by anchoring in the lee of the naval base on Willoughby Bay. The boats were lashed together carefully.
The last brother came aboard just before 1400 EDT. The engagé was comfortably numb: completely unaware of the preparations swirling around him. The Captain surveyed his crew and gave the Sponsor the nod. The engagé was asked to stand. He was led away to secure quarters while the crew prepared for the ceremony. Once ready, he was brought before the battle ready crew and presented for full inclusion into the Table. After opening remarks by the Captain, the Sponsor addressed the crew.
- He has successfully ingratiated himself to the brothers of the Table during his tenure as engagé.
- He has integrated well with brothers from other tables.
- His Captive is of high caliber.
- He has demonstrated his resilience and tolerance when plied with the demon rhum.
Therefore, pending his successful completion of the Final Test, I ask you now to verbally approve my proposition!"
The crew agreed. The Captain proceeded with the oath and review of the Octalog. But the Final Test still had to be completed before the status of "Brother" could be bestowed upon him. While timid at first, with grit and determination the engagé passed the test. Brother "Bui" (pronounced 'buoy') was then formally introduced to the crew. His smile told everyone of the pleasure in his surprise. His Captive was commanded to attend him so that she could be welcomed by the other Captives of the Table. The couple was hailed by the assembled crew and the celebrations began: cannon fire, copious amounts of (demon) rhum, andanadas and all forms of raucous behavior ensued well into the night.
It is with pride we announce Brother Bui (BotC-US No. 296) to the other Tables of the Brotherhood.
The crew regrets that Brothers Briese-Galets and Floater were unable to attend.
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