[Submitted by Blue Stache on March 1st, 2009]
Our Captain could not have explained this headline any better. Informally addressing the group gathered for the February Tip-A-Few of the Chesapeake Bay Table, he stated that in his various travel experiences with the Brotherhood, he often receives positive comments regarding our Table. Comments regarding how enviable it is that we have been able to fulfill our tradition of gathering in the spirit of the Brotherhood on a consistent monthly basis since our very inception; how we are consistently represented at national and international Zaf events and; our reputation for Brotherhood hospitality. Our Captain promptly reminded each commenter to be careful when putting out an invitation to our group – we will show up!
And it was proven again for our February Tip-A-Few, with as little as a six day Email notice, the Chesapeake Bay Table gathered, seventeen strong, and shared a great evening of cocktails, conversation, dining and sharing the spirit of the Brotherhood. There was also the occasional firing of broadsides and ORZA toasts to accentuate the evening. Our Sonoma Bistro attendant, Danna, and her assistant took very good care of all: from the wine, to the appetizers, to the fine dining, through the coffee and desserts – another memorable Chesapeake Bay Table event. Gathered for this event were: Cruz & Ann, Piper & Maria, Bui & Susan, Boats & Trish, Rocket Boy & Sherry, June (representing Upwind – thanks Peter), Floater & Jacque, Country Boy & Frankie Ann, and Blue Stache & Diana. We can only say that those not able to attend were in our thoughts – hope to see you all next time.
Diana and I want to acknowledge all of your well wishes as we enter an unknown adventure with Brother, Brise-Galets – certainly hoping to accomplish a 35 year goal in the process. Knowing you are all there, and supporting ‘the voyage’ is a very comforting thought.
After sharing a fun night with the Brotherhood, it’s amazing how the thought that comes to mind the next day is, “I wonder where and when we will get together to do this again in March?” Until next time. . .
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