The Chief Blogger apologizes for the inactivity on the site in recent months: I've been out of town on business for most of the spring. May 21st was a homecoming for me. I had been working in Connecticut for the previous two weeks and was scheduled to come home briefly for the weekend. Coincidentally, there was a Tip-a-Few scheduled to begin about the time of my arrival. Junebug picked me up from the airport and we were on our way to the home of Matt & Gracie.

The party was already underway on the back porch: appetizers were out and the grill was full of barbequed delights that would soon be ready for consumption. It had been a warm late spring day and the warmth lingered as the sun made its way toward the western horizon. Brothers and captives were busy catching up with one another while the dogs ran around everyone's feet.

The top of Matt's grill was opened to reveal that dinner was ready. Slowly the assembled crowd made their way indoors to select the items they would dine on. One of the dinner conversations centered on Matt's Fat Boy motorcycle in the garage. We all agreed there would be a show & tell right after dinner. Everyone was impressed with the stock chopper in the garage...the fat rear tire aft of the dark red gas tank and trim that surrounded the large chrome engine. Junebug climbed on board to model the fine machine.

We talked about the upcoming inter-table raftup sheduled for the week of the summer solstice. Last year's raftup in Mill Creek was such a success that word had spread throughout the US Tables. As a result, many more Brothers will be attending this year's event which will be held in Dividing Creek, off of Fleets Bay. The group also decided that there will be a Memorial Day raftup on one or more of the rivers feeding into Mobjack Bay. The summer boating season had arrived and everyone is ready to get out on the water and celebrate their love of the sea.
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