Labor Day comes just before the peak of the North Atlantic Hurricane Season so attention must be paid to the weather. We were checking the weather regularly since strong northerly winds persisted after a high pressure system had arrived earlier in the week. Thursday night, the weatherman predicted beautiful weather with diminishing northerlies. Everyone agreed the more distant, primary location was a "go" for the upcoming three day weekend

Wanting to get an early departure from Rebel Marina,
Blue Moon,
Talisman and
Fuego made a quick jaunt five miles north and rafted in Hampton River on Friday evening. We were joined by the crew of
Cat Nap who keep their boat at a nearby marina. With the help of (demon) Rhum the crews started decompressing from the week just finished.

On Saturday, in accordance with the plan, the fleet made its way up the west side of the Chesapeake Bay headed for Mobjack Bay. The first days anchorage was a cove just around the corner from School Neck Point (37° 19.542' N, 76° 26.704' W). The raft formed just after 3PM with
Blue Moon serving as the anchor boat as
Orza and crew would not be joining until Sunday. We settled in to our quiet environment and started preparations for the evening's meal. In usual fashion, no one went hungry. Cool temperatures made for a great nights sleep.

The morning arrived with blue skies and some promising wind from the northeast. After a communal breakfast, we broke the raft and headed for the East River, another tributary feeding into Mobjack Bay. Our large anchor boat,
Orza, was headed north for a Sunday rendezvous. Two boats took advantage of the 1o knot winds from the northeast while the others motored for the 11 mile trip. As
Talisman rounded the green "15," the raft came into view. But something was amiss - there appeared to be a bright red object on the raft. Upon closer inspection, we discovered the object was actually two porch umbrellas mounted to the back of
The East River is a more active river than the Severn. It is quite popular on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends a good deal of boat traffic. This Holiday weekend was no exception. During the afternoon, many visitors stopped by to say hello and tip-a-few.
Late in the afternoon, El Maestro and AJ arrived by land. El Maestro had hyper extended his right thumb Friday night and was unable to operate his boat. However, he was able to lend a hand in the kitchen.

Rudely reminding us that it was late summer, evening came far too early. After another fine meal, instruments were deployed as four of the Brothers took to entertaining the raft. Star gazing was limited as low clouds moved into the area...a developing Nor'easter was moving slowly up the coast with the promise of strong winds and rain for Monday.
Monday morning was grey with winds out of the northeast. Reports from Norfolk told of heavy rains...it was inevitable we would get rain cruising home. But it was still dry, it was a holiday and no one was in a hurry to head back. After a casual breakfast, we broke the raft and headed south to Norfolk. Hardly out of the river, the rain started. Fortunately our boats are water resistant. Back at Rebel Marina, we made a communal dinner from the weekends leftovers before heading home.
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