The fleet of three Brotherhood boats - Fresh Air, Talisman and Tardis - along with guest boat, No Problem, leave Hampton Roads just after dawn. Strong NW winds persisted from a front that crossed the area on Wednesday. We took a course heading of 30° (magnetic) which kept us from pounding the waves and allowed for some sail power.
Our destination was the Ingram Bay area, a 60 nm run from Hampton Roads. We spent most of the day slogging to the NE in 3 - 4 foot waves. Then, around 2PM, the wind died, the seas calmed and we took a direct heading to Cockrell Creek (Reedville) where Shanty was waiting for us to arrive.
DAY 2 (Oct. 9, 2009):
While at anchor, the winds shifted to the SW and had continued to build overnight. We broke the raft down in record time (under five minutes) and had four sailing vessels leaving in a line just before 9AM (Tardus had stayed with friends up the Great Wicomico River but came through to check on us).
As we left Cockrell Creek, it became apparent just how strong the SW winds were: 15 -20 knts with gusts up to 25 knts. It would be another day at the wheel. As we made the turn north, some adjustments had to be made as a number of the boats rounded into the strong gusts. Shortly thereafter, everyone but No Problem had balanced their rigs for the day's conditions. No Problem couldn't seem to find a good balance and ended up turning back toward Reedville as the rest of the fleet progressed north.
Day 3: (Oct 10, 2009)
After pushing hard for two days, we took the opportunity to sleep in and relax. A late breakfast, washing salt off the boat and, generally, taking stock for the next leg of the trip on Sunday. In the early afternoon, the crews of Talisman and Fresh Air took their dinghies over to the Calvert Marine Museum for the Patuxent River Appreciation Day festivities. Free admission to the museum and with Arts & Crafts Vendors as well as food & music. We watched and were fascinated by the speed and grace of the two River Otters. It was a good day for soaking up the culture and the nautical history of the Patuxent River area.
Then it was back to the boat to get ready for the main event of the evening: the introduction of the Solomons Table's first Engages!
[nota bene: Details of the engage introduction, "Debutantes", and continuation of the Autumn Bay Cruise can be found is subsequent post]
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