Like the ships of old where each ship had its own culture, protocols and rules, each table of the Brotherhood has its own culture, protocol and rules. When the brothers of the Chesapeake introduce an engagé, there is a gathering and celebration. When the brothers of the Solomons Table introduce an engagé, it is more like a debutante being introduced to society. So was my experience during the Columbus Day weekend as I and other brothers from the Chesapeake Table gathered at Solomon’s Island while en route to Annapolis during the Autumn Bay Cruise.(see "Autumn Bay Cruise" blog entry.)

The whole affair started innocently enough. In 2008, Go-Go, of the Solomons Table detected what he thought was an intruder and was preparing to defend his territory. In actuality, the intruder was Cruz, of the Chesapeake Table, trying to slip, quietly and undetected, through the Patuxent River area without notice. But before the canons could be made ready, Go-Go recognized the flag of the intruder to be that of the neighboring Table and ordered his crew to stand down. While the two brothers where glad to see one another, Cruz was reprimanded and told that due notice should be given in the future to avoid any type of friendly fire.
Not wanting a similar situation to occur, as a part of coordinating the 2009 Autumn Cruise, I sent a simple Email to Sea Devil that brothers from the Chesapeake Table would be sailing the territorial waters of the Solomons Table. A response came that Go-Go would coordinate a reception with details forthcoming. With some discussion, the Solomons brothers put a two evening affair together including dockage and support for the visiting fleet. It was decided that Saturday’s evening event would also mark the introduction of the Table’s first engagé’s. It was only fitting in light of the fact that the Chesapeake Table had been so involved with the formation of the Solomons Table.

So, we gathered at the home of brother Easy along the Banks of St. Johns Creek with passenjeros John and Dennis. A larger crowd gathered this evening, including Blue Stache, who had arrived earlier in the day by land. Ceremonial tricorns were worn as crews from all three Tables - Snapper King was representing the Marathon Table - settled in to a dinner of barbequed rockfish and cobia, hamburgers, hot dogs and various side dishes. Easy’s bar was well stocked with (the demon) rhum and was well attended by the brothers.

After a fine meal, Go-Go, representing the Table in the Captain’s absence, called the group to order. Snapper King was asked to relate the history of the Solomons Table, of which he played such a large part, for the new engagés and their captives. Parson Fish Monger was asked to say a few words and related an inspirational, albeit ribald tale of the marriage of an old man from his home on Smith Island. Then Go-Go called upon the new engagé to read aloud the Octalog to the assemblage. Upon completion, they were awarded the black bandana of the Solomons Table. Thereafter, Rhum was rationed and the traditional Andanada was issued to aid in its consumption.

The Chesapeake Bay Table congratulates the new Solomons Engages and wishes them the best of luck as they endeavor to attain the the status of Brother.
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