
Pilot- Table Captain

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 2009 Tip-a-Few

A cold, wet January day when everything you want to do on a boat is curtailed by the weather. Boat projects are merely discussed in the warmth of a heated house. A few of us checked on our boats earlier in the day but mostly the boats are lonely and cold - waiting for the winter months to pass.

The occasion of the January gathering was held at the home of Bui & Susan. Because it was a Sunday, we decided to meet in mid-afternoon so those people who had to work on Monday would have enough time to recover from multiple rounds of (demon) rhum. As usual, appetizers, main courses and desserts were plentiful. No one went home hungry.

Discussions were centered on boats and the coming year's activities. Blue Stache and Diana's impending retirements that will enable them participate in a world-wide cruise with Briese Galets that will put them in Sydney, Australia, for the International Zap in March 2010. Cruz and Upwind are planning to relocate to Rebel Marine early in the year (this got El Maestro thinking about a similar move). And, of course, it wouldn't be a true boater's get-together without plenty of conversation about maintenance & projects.

2009 Tip-A-Few Schedule

The only business item discussed at the January Tip-a-Few was the schedule for this new year. There are several months with no reservations: left open for the Brothers who could not make January's festivities. To sign-up for an open slot, please notify Captain Rocket Boy. Assignments for the year are as follows:

  1. January - Bui & Susan

  2. February - Blue Stache & Diana

  3. March - Piper & Maria

  4. April - El Maestro & AJ

  5. May (Memorial Day weekend) - Pilot & Francine

  6. June - Boats & Tricia

  7. July - Country Boy & Frankie

  8. August - [open]

  9. September (Labor Day weekend) - Upwind & June

  10. October - Floater & Jacque

  11. November - Rocket Boy & Sherry

  12. December (Boxing Day) - Cruz & Ann

Friday, January 02, 2009

Boxing Day - 2008

[reserved for input from Brother Cruz]

November Tip-A-Few (11/22/2008)

[Submitted by its sponsor, Eric Matherne]

November’s gathering of the Brothers of the Chesapeake Bay Table was hosted by Brother Floater, Eric Matherne and Jacque Dessino at their recently acquired condo in downtown Portsmouth. The weather was bitterly cold, more in line with January temperatures rather than late November. But it takes more than a plummeting thermometer to keep this table away from a party. Eleven of the thirteen brothers with their captives donned their warmest woolies and made their way to Portsmouth for a night of good friends, great food and a bit of spirits. The two brother not there both had good excuses, Brother Limey and Holly were on HAMPSHIRE ROSE heading South, bound for Florida and then the Bahamas, and Boats and Tricia were in Houston visiting family. So in the true spirit of the Brotherhood we downed a couple of shots of Rhum for them.

Eric and Jacque had expressed some concern about trying to not disturb their new neighbors, especially since they had just moved in a couple of weeks ago and had only met a few of the other owners. Midway through the evening there was a knock on the door and sure enough it was one of the neighbors, it seems there were two other parties going on and we were all being invited to attend those as well. To show our appreciation we offered shots of Rhum, fired off a broadside or two, made a few new friends, and introduced the Brotherhood to a few more people.